Mac Video Analysis software for swimming, golf, baseball and other sports and scientific applications

ObjectusStudio is all new, built with Apple's Swift programming language to be the best performing and reliable video anlaysis application for the Mac. ObjecutsStudio video analysis software products allows you to analyze video, by viewing it in slow motion, and synchronizing multiple videos to analyze differences in the athletes technique. You can also use the drawing tools to mark up the video to illustrate various lines, and angles, set events at any time in the video to jump to individual frames, and create action sequences based on those events, or measure distances or speed in the video if the scale of the video is known.
Latest Release Download
ObjectusStudio 1.0.7 Updated for Mac OS Monterey
ObjectusStudio is available with a 6 month or yearly subscription, see subscriptions below for more information.

Video Playback Rate

The play back rate controller allows for easily and quickly adjusting the rate of playback of the video. The slider can be adjusted by dragging the knob, or by clicking on any of labels below it to quickly adjust the speed of the video to that setting. 

New Video Scrubber with Selections

Once a selection is set in a video, ObjectusStudio will operate on that selection, as if it's the entire video. For example, hitting the play button with a selection set will jump to the start of the selection, and play only until the end of selection, instead of playing the entire video. Selections are also used for export (share) and trimming.

Searchable Video Library

ObjectusStudio has a video library to help you organize your videos. The library appears as a pop-over, or can be dragged off into it's own window. The library can be searched to quickly find videos by view or name and other user editable fields. User folders may be added and named, for organizing a video collection to quickly find items.

Canvas Layout

The video canvas layout menu changes the configuration of the video canvas. There are 7 choices displaying a single video, to displaying 4 videos in a 2 over 2 configuration. The arrangement of the videos in the canvas may be changed by holding the option key down, then click and drag and drop a video into another slot. The zoom and pan can be adjusted individually for each video, and of course the action can all be synchronized.

ObjectusStudio Subscription

To get started with ObjectusStudio, download the software by clicking here. Once the software is downloaded and installed, if you would like to purchase a subscription plan to access the advanced features of the software, select Subscription Manager from the ObjectusStudio menu to display available plans and local pricing.